How to Install Mirth Connect in Docker

In this guide, I will show you how you can install Mirth Connect in a docker container. Mirth Connect is an integration engine from NextGen Healthcare. You can choose to use this open-source version for free or also choose to get the software with commercial support from NextGen. This guide is about installing the open-source version which you can read more about in a previous blog post of mine.

There are Windows, Linux and MacOs installers which you can find here:

But this guide is focused on the docker installation which is also provided by NextGen and their link points to the public docker hub.

The above page gives the instructions for the installation and some options but here is a brief step-by-step including how to connect which isn’t explained on the docker hub page.


Make sure you have a Linux machine running docker already. If you don’t you can check my guides out here:

  • How to install docker on Ubuntu
  • How to enable ssh in Ubuntu
  • How to install portainer on docker (this one is kind of optional but still used in the guide)

Step-by-step instructions for installing Mirth Connect in docker

Note that instructions were made with Mirth Connect version 4.1.1.

Step-by-step instructions can be found below in written form but if you prefer you can check out the video I made which is included below.

  1. Connect to the Ubuntu machine running docker and open the command line (used ssh and putty in my video)
  2. run the command: sudo docker run –name myconnect -d -p 8443:8443 nextgenhealthcare/connect
  3. Wait for the installation to finnish
  4. Use browser to connect to the web ui at where you need to replace the ip address with your docker machines ip
  5. Use the web ui to download the administrator launcher with the blue button and run the installer
  6. Use the web ui’s green button ‘launch mirth connect administrator’ to download a file called webstart
  7. Double click the webstart button to launch the administartor aplication
  8. Sign in with username admin / password admin

Instructions in video format below:

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